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Selected poetry

John Donne (Auteur)
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Includes a wide selection from both his secular and divine poems, such as `Air and Angels', `The Flea', the `Holy Sonnets', and `The Progress of the Soul'.
John Donne (1572-1631) is perhaps the most important poet of the seventeenth century.

In his day it seemed to his admirers that Donne had changed the literary universe, and he is now widely regarded as the founder of the metaphysical `school'. Donne's poetry is highly distinctive and individual, adopting a multitude of rhythms, images, forms, and ... Lire la suite
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Admiré de Coleridge, John Donne (1572-1631) a fortement imprégné la poésie anglaise de l'époque baroque. Après avoir gravi tous les échelons pour parvenir au succès, ce descendant de famille catholique se voit destitué lorsqu'il épouse secrètement, en 1601, la fille de sir George More. L'année suivante, il abandonne le catholicisme et rend divers services à l'Eglise anglicane. Et, malgré son aspiration à être un profane, il est ordonné prêtre en 1615. Il devient fervent. De la satire, il passe à la poésie sacrée. Et c'est au XXe siècle que sa fortune accède à une sorte d'acmé. Son bel esprit devient en effet un modèle pour de nombreux poètes, et notamment Yeats et T.S. Eliot.


Date Parution01/10/2008
EditeurOxford University Press English Language Teacher
Poids301 g
PrésentationGrand format
Dimensions19,6 cm x 13,0 cm x 1,8 cm

Includes a wide selection from both his secular and divine poems, such as `Air and Angels', `The Flea', the `Holy Sonnets', and `The Progress of the Soul'.
John Donne (1572-1631) is perhaps the most important poet of the seventeenth century.

In his day it seemed to his admirers that Donne had changed the literary universe, and he is now widely regarded as the founder of the metaphysical `school'. Donne's poetry is highly distinctive and individual, adopting a multitude of rhythms, images, forms, and personae, from irresistible seducer to devout believer. His greatness stems from the subtleties and ambivalences of tone that convey his remarkably modern awareness of the instability of the self.

This collection of Donne's verse is chosen from the Oxford Authors critical edition of his major works. It includes a wide selection from his secular and divine poems, such as the rebellious and libertine satires and love elegies, the virtuoso Songs and Sonnets, and the desperate, passionate Holy Sonnets. John Carey's introduction and extensive notes provide valuable insights into Donne's poetic genius.

Readership: Lovers of English poetry and literature, students at A-level and undergraduate level.
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