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Jamie Oliver (Auteur)
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7 WAYS TO REINVENT YOUR FAVOURITE INGREDIENTS WITH MORE THAN 120 NEW, EXCITING AND TASTY RECIPES Jamie's looked at the top ingredients we buy week in, week out. We're talking about those meal staples we pick up without thinking - chicken breasts, salmon fillets, mince, eggs, potatoes, broccoli, mushrooms, to name but a few. We're all busy, but that shouldn't stop us from having a tasty, nutritious meal after a long day at work or looking after the kids. So, rather than ... Lire la suite
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Jamie Oliver est un phénomène unique dans le paysage gastronomique européen : son approche très personnelle et intuitive de la cuisine a bouleversé les conventions culinaires. Prônant les produits frais et la simplification des plats, il modernise la tradition culinaire britannique. Grâce à l'émission Jamie's Kitchen, il ouvre à Londres le Fifteen, un restaurant-école où quinze jeunes gens en difficultés sociales apprennent à gérer un restaurant. Depuis, il a ouvert d'autres restaurants reprenant le même principe en Cornouailles, à Melbourne et à Amsterdam. En outre, il profite également de sa notoriété pour s'attaquer au problème de la qualité nutritionnelle des cantines scolaires britanniques.


Date Parution20/08/2020
EditeurMichael Joseph
PrésentationGrand format

7 WAYS TO REINVENT YOUR FAVOURITE INGREDIENTS WITH MORE THAN 120 NEW, EXCITING AND TASTY RECIPES Jamie's looked at the top ingredients we buy week in, week out. We're talking about those meal staples we pick up without thinking - chicken breasts, salmon fillets, mince, eggs, potatoes, broccoli, mushrooms, to name but a few. We're all busy, but that shouldn't stop us from having a tasty, nutritious meal after a long day at work or looking after the kids. So, rather than trying to change what we buy, Jamie wants to give everyone new inspiration for their favourite supermarket ingredients. Jamie will share 7 achievable, exciting and tasty ways to cook 18 of our favourite ingredients , and each recipe will include a minimal amount of ingredients. Across the book, at least 70% of the recipes will be everyday options from both an ease and nutritional point of view, meaning you're covered for every day of the week. With everything from fakeaways and traybakes to family and freezer favourites, you'll find bags of inspiration to help you mix things up in the kitchen. Step up, 7 Ways, the most reader-focused cookbook Jamie has ever written.
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