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Environmental justice in Africa and elsewhere: The International Climate Court (ICC) / Cour internationale pour le climat (CIC)

Sabine Ndzengue Amoa (Auteur)
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This work raises the need to create an ICC (International
Climate Court) in order to repair and reduce the environmental
inequalities suffered by Africa, as well as small island
developing States, which, by their geographical location and
their level of development, are harmed or especially affected
by the harmful effects of climate change.
Excessive greenhouse gas emissions, pollution due to fast
fashion; radioactive waste; as well as the complexity of
climatic migrations seriously alter the protection of the
environment by and on the African continent.
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Sabine Ndzengue Amoa est une consultante juridique spécialisée en droit de la santé, droit de l'environnement, droit public. Elle est également présidente d'ASPROBIO AGM (Association loi 1901 qui sensibilise sur la protection de la biodiversité et les changements climatiques). Elle est membre des commissions mondiales CMAP, CMDE, CEC de l'UICN.


Date Parution29/04/2024
Nb. de Pages164
EditeurBooks On Demand
Poids247 g
PrésentationGrand format
Dimensions21,0 cm x 14,8 cm x 1,2 cm

This work raises the need to create an ICC (International
Climate Court) in order to repair and reduce the environmental
inequalities suffered by Africa, as well as small island
developing States, which, by their geographical location and
their level of development, are harmed or especially affected
by the harmful effects of climate change.
Excessive greenhouse gas emissions, pollution due to fast
fashion; radioactive waste; as well as the complexity of
climatic migrations seriously alter the protection of the
environment by and on the African continent.
The proliferation of cases before the ECHR, The conviction of Switzerland on Tuesday April 9, 2024 by the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) for violation of the Human Rights Convention and The proliferation of cases before the I/A Court
H.R, because the exercise of certain rights guaranteed by the
Conventions can be compromised by environmental
degradation and exposure to environmental risks shows the
obvious need of an ICC (International Climate Court) to
reduce environmental inequalities.
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