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The Levantine Vegetarian: Recipes from the Middle East

Salma Hage (Auteur)
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Vibrant vegetarian home-cooking recipes, capturing the essence of the Middle East, from the award-winning author of the best-selling The Lebanese Kitchen.

This glorious celebration of a bold vegetarian cuisine features 140 easy-to-make, bright, uplifting plant-based recipes, including classics such as falafels, hummus, and tabbouleh, as well as unique dishes reflective of region, religion, and culture across the Levantine. The food is fresh and delicious, whether it's garlic-laced mezze dishes, pittas stuffed with pickles, tahini, and grilled vegetables, or sweet and spicy desserts. Covering ... Lire la suite
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Originaire de Mazarat Tiffah, un village niché dans les
montagnes de la vallée de Qadisha, au nord du Liban,
Salma Hage témoigne de plus de cinquante ans de
cuisine familiale. Après avoir appris son métier auprès
de sa famille, elle a ensuite travaillé comme chef.
Mezzés du Moyen-Orient est son troisième ouvrage
après La Cuisine libanaise et La Cuisine végétarienne
du Moyen-Orient.


Date Parution04/04/2024
CollectionFood Cook
Nb. de Pages272
EditeurPhaidon Press
Poids1218 g
PrésentationGrand format
Dimensions27,6 cm x 21,1 cm x 3,0 cm

Vibrant vegetarian home-cooking recipes, capturing the essence of the Middle East, from the award-winning author of the best-selling The Lebanese Kitchen.

This glorious celebration of a bold vegetarian cuisine features 140 easy-to-make, bright, uplifting plant-based recipes, including classics such as falafels, hummus, and tabbouleh, as well as unique dishes reflective of region, religion, and culture across the Levantine. The food is fresh and delicious, whether it's garlic-laced mezze dishes, pittas stuffed with pickles, tahini, and grilled vegetables, or sweet and spicy desserts. Covering a vast area straddling Africa, Asia, and the gateway to Europe, the book embraces the culinary traditions of all corners of the Cradle of Civilization.

Hage, one of the world's authorities on Middle Eastern home-cooking, has taken her inspiration widely and created new 'fusion' dishes alongside classics. Featured recipes include: Parsnip and Cumin Beignets; Sesame Halloumi Fries with Chilli Yogurt; Black Lime and Herb Tofu; and Za'atar Cucumber Noodle Salad; and each is accompanied by newly-commissioned photography and double-page tablescapes that capture the vibrancy and the plentiful, sharing nature of the Middle Eastern dining table.
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