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The tuileries gardens ; yesterday and today ; a walker's guide

Emmanuelle Héran (Auteur)
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Created in the sixteenth century for Catherine de' Medici's new Tuileries Palace, landscaped in the seventeenth century by André Le Nôtre, and renovated in the twentieth century by Louis Benech and Pascal Cribier, the Tuileries Gardens remain a popular place to walk in the heart of Paris. Its groves, flower beds, and basins invite visitors to contemplate and daydream. As an extension of the Musée du Louvre, it is a veritable open-air museum, which presents masterpieces such as The Kiss by Rodin and Penone's The ... Lire la suite
117,00 DH
En stock
Livrable dans 2 à 3 jours


Longtemps chargée des sculptures au musée d'Orsay, Emmanuelle Héran est conservatrice en chef, responsable des collections du Domaine national du Louvre et des Tuileries.


Date Parution02/06/2016
Poids329 g
PrésentationGrand format
Dimensions24,0 cm x 16,0 cm x 0,8 cm

Created in the sixteenth century for Catherine de' Medici's new Tuileries Palace, landscaped in the seventeenth century by André Le Nôtre, and renovated in the twentieth century by Louis Benech and Pascal Cribier, the Tuileries Gardens remain a popular place to walk in the heart of Paris. Its groves, flower beds, and basins invite visitors to contemplate and daydream. As an extension of the Musée du Louvre, it is a veritable open-air museum, which presents masterpieces such as The Kiss by Rodin and Penone's The Tree of Vowels.
This guidebook is designed to accompany readers during their visit of the Tuileries Gardens, by taking them on a journey through the centuries in one of the most beautiful gardens in France.
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