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Pierre Cardin : making fashion modern

Jean-Pascal Hesse, Pierre Pelegry (Auteur)
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Longtime collaborators of Pierre Cardin, Jean-Pascal Hesse and Pierre Pelegry share their intimate knowledge of the fashion designer's early career in Paris. They analyze the influences that inspired him to conceive not only some of the most iconic haute couture creations of the 1950s and 1960s, but also the space-ageinflected Cosmocorps collection, which presciently explored gender fluidity.By drawing upon sources that have been assembled over more than two decades-from Cardin's personal recollections to many exclusive photographs by Yoshi Takata and Roland de Vassal-this book pays ... Lire la suite
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Directeur de chez Maxim's et également proche collaborateur du couturier, Pierre Pelegry rassemblé dans cet ouvrage des photos de la photographe japonaise Yoshi Takata, qui a accompagné Pierre Cardin
pendant plus de quarante ans.

Historien de formation, Jean-Pascal Hesse est l'auteur de diverses publications. Proche collaborateur de Pierre Cardin, il est originaire de la région de Lacoste. Il a publié en 2010 un ouvrage retraçant les soixante ans de création du célèbre couturier ; en 2011, un livre sur le mythique restaurant parisien Maxim's ; et, en 2012, un album sur une folie architecturale, le palais Bulles (tous publiés chez Assouline).
Ancien conseiller municipal de Salon-de-Provence, il est aujourd'hui conseiller d'arrondissement de la Ville de Paris, en charge des grands événements culturels auprès du maire du XVIe arrondissement.


Date Parution21/09/2022
CollectionStyles Et Design
Nb. de Pages256
Poids1380 g
PrésentationGrand format
Dimensions27,8 cm x 20,5 cm x 2,8 cm

Longtime collaborators of Pierre Cardin, Jean-Pascal Hesse and Pierre Pelegry share their intimate knowledge of the fashion designer's early career in Paris. They analyze the influences that inspired him to conceive not only some of the most iconic haute couture creations of the 1950s and 1960s, but also the space-ageinflected Cosmocorps collection, which presciently explored gender fluidity.By drawing upon sources that have been assembled over more than two decades-from Cardin's personal recollections to many exclusive photographs by Yoshi Takata and Roland de Vassal-this book pays tribute to the modernity of a visionary creator who revolutionized fashion on a global scale.
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