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Homage to cCtalonia

George Orwell (Auteur)
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George Orwell's account of his experience as a militiaman in the Spanish Civil War in the 1930s. The book describes the chaos at the Front, the futile young deaths for what became a confused cause, the antique weapons and the disappointment many British Socialists felt on arriving in Spain to help. Lire la suite
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Gorge Orwell escaisnom d'Eric Arthur Blair nasquèt en 1903 e defuntèt en 1950. Foguèt cronicaire, critic literari e romancièr. Sas òbras mai conegudas son : Animal farm - ja tradusit en occitan - e 1984. Lo succès enòrme qu'an totjorn aqueles dos libres es tal que se parla de la societat Orwelliana per illustrar la societat de susvelhança de totes.


Date Parution28/03/2000
Nb. de Pages272
EditeurAdult Pbs
Poids202 g
PrésentationGrand format
Dimensions19,8 cm x 12,9 cm x 1,6 cm

George Orwell's account of his experience as a militiaman in the Spanish Civil War in the 1930s. The book describes the chaos at the Front, the futile young deaths for what became a confused cause, the antique weapons and the disappointment many British Socialists felt on arriving in Spain to help.
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