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William Shakespeare (Auteur)
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Not only was Hamlet one of William Shakespeare's most popular works during his lifetime, it is also considered among the most powerful and influential works of world literature. To be, or not to be, a line from one of Hamlet's soliloquies, is one of the most widely known quotes in modern English and has been referenced ... Lire la suite
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Fils d'un gantier devenu bailli de Stratford, Shakespeare put étudier, mais des revers de fortune familiaux et un jeune mariage semblent l'avoir conduit à arrêter. On le suppose établi à Londres dès 1588, mais sa réputation dramaturgique naît en 1592. Son premier mécène est le comte de Southampton à qui il dédie des poèmes, genre dans lequel il excelle au vu de ses 'Sonnets' (1609). Il joue ses pièces à la cour d'Elizabeth 1ère, puis de Jacques 1er, ensuite il devient successivement actionnaire du théâtre du Globe et du Blackfriars (1608). En 1612, il rentre à Stratford. Auteur d'une oeuvre unique et intemporelle, il s'attacha à décrire les jeux du pouvoir et les passions humaines, mêlant joie et douleur, emprisonnant la vie dans ses vers. Les premières oeuvres furent marquées par leur caractère historique ('Richard III'). A partir de 1594, il développa ses comédies ('Beaucoup de bruit pour rien') et délivre sa première tragédie majeure, 'Roméo et Juliette', qu'il fera suivre d''Hamlet', d''Othello' et du 'Roi Lear'. Sa dernière pièce, 'La tempête', est une oeuvre remarquable, baignée d'ésotérisme.


Date Parution18/06/2023
Nb. de Pages182
Poids244 g
PrésentationGrand format
Dimensions21,0 cm x 14,8 cm x 1,0 cm

We rely on your support to help us keep producing beautiful, free, and unrestricted editions of literature for the digital age.
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Not only was Hamlet one of William Shakespeare's most popular works during his lifetime, it is also considered among the most powerful and influential works of world literature. To be, or not to be, a line from one of Hamlet's soliloquies, is one of the most widely known quotes in modern English and has been referenced in countless works of literature, theater, film, and music.
During a dark winter night Horatio and a pair of watchmen encounter a ghost that resembles the late King of Denmark, the father of Prince Hamlet. After failing to converse with the ghost, Hamlet is brought to the site of the encounter. The ghost tells the story of his death. He was murdered by King Claudius, the dead king's brother and Hamlet's new stepfather. Hamlet swears to avenge him and kill Claudius.
This Standard Ebooks edition is based on William George Clark and William Aldis Wright's 1887 Victoria edition, which is taken from the Globe edition.
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