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Gulliver's Travels (Penguin Clothbound Classics)

Jonathan Swift (Auteur)
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Biographical note

Anglo-Irish poet, satirist and clergyman, Jonathan Swift (1667-1745), was born in Dublin to English parents. He embarked on a career as diplomatic secretary and became increasingly involved in politics. He published many satirical works of verse and prose, including 'A Tale of a Tub', 'A Modest Proposal', and 'Gulliver's Travels'.

Robert DeMaria, Jr. is Henry Noble MacCracken Professor of English at Vassar College, New York. He has published widely on 17th and 18th century literature.

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Jonathan Swift ne fut pas uniquement l'auteur mondialement connu des Voyages de Gulliver. Né en 1667 à Dublin, il fut tour à tour secrétaire d'un diplomate, docteur, doyen de la cathédrale de Saint Patrick de Dublin, précepteur d'une jeune fille, Esther Johnson, à qui il adressa le Journal à Stella... Avec ses amis John Gay, Alexander Pope, lord Bolingbroke et John Arbuthnot, l'écrivain irlandais fonde « le Scriblerus Club », attelé à vilipender la société de l'époque sous la forme de pamphlets, publiés sous le pseudonyme de Martin Scriblerus. Engagé dans les luttes littéraires, religieuses et politiques de son temps, Swift est satiriste à la mesure de sa misanthropie. Isolement qui ne l'empêche pas d'entretenir une profonde amitié avec d'éminents esprits de l'Angleterre du XVIIIe siècle, révélée dans sa Correspondance avec le Scriblerus Club (Allia, 2005). Il meurt en 1745 à Dublin.


Date Parution25/11/2010
EditeurPenguin Books
Poids452 g
PrésentationGrand format
Dimensions20,4 cm x 13,8 cm

Biographical note

Anglo-Irish poet, satirist and clergyman, Jonathan Swift (1667-1745), was born in Dublin to English parents. He embarked on a career as diplomatic secretary and became increasingly involved in politics. He published many satirical works of verse and prose, including 'A Tale of a Tub', 'A Modest Proposal', and 'Gulliver's Travels'.

Robert DeMaria, Jr. is Henry Noble MacCracken Professor of English at Vassar College, New York. He has published widely on 17th and 18th century literature.

Main description

Part of Penguin's beautiful hardback Clothbound Classics series, designed by the award-winning Coralie Bickford-Smith, these delectable and collectible editions are bound in high-quality colourful, tactile cloth with foil stamped into the design.

Shipwrecked and cast adrift, Lemuel Gulliver wakes to find himself on Lilliput, an island inhabited by little people, whose height makes their quarrels over fashion and fame seem ridiculous. His subsequent encounters - with the crude giants of Brobdingnag, the philosophical Houyhnhnms and brutish Yahoos - give Gulliver new, bitter insights into human behaviour. Swift's savage satire views mankind in a distorted hall of mirrors as a diminished, magnified and finally bestial species, presenting us with an uncompromising reflection of ourselves.

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