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Digital disruption... explained to my boss

Bertrand Petit (Auteur)
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This book proposes an annual synthesis of InnoCherche innovation network activity to the executives, the C-level who want to understand this digital disruption we are leaving thru.
InnoCherche is a Business Innovation Network.

We are organizing an across all sectors innovation watch focusing on usages. Since April 2007 and the massive adoption of the smartphone as our new intellectual orthesis, we are changing all our individual usages. The impact will be felt on all the business models and on many management principles.

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Après trente années passées dans des grands groupes internationaux, Bertrand Petit a créé InnoCherche en 2009. Cette association, entièrement consacrée à la veille dans le domaine de l'innovation et des nouveaux usages qui en découle, a pour objectif d'aider les dirigeants à anticiper les changements à venir et à modifier leurs pratiques
managériales en conséquent. Il est aussi l'organisateur du TEDx Issy-les-Moulineaux qui reprend les grands débats de société issus de cette veille.


Date Parution24/11/2015
Nb. de Pages87
PrésentationGrand format
Dimensions21,0 cm x 15,0 cm

This book proposes an annual synthesis of InnoCherche innovation network activity to the executives, the C-level who want to understand this digital disruption we are leaving thru.
InnoCherche is a Business Innovation Network.

We are organizing an across all sectors innovation watch focusing on usages. Since April 2007 and the massive adoption of the smartphone as our new intellectual orthesis, we are changing all our individual usages. The impact will be felt on all the business models and on many management principles.

Our non-profit organization has 2 missions: Help all C-level ...
1) ... anticipate the upcoming digital disruption which will come from the fringe 2) ... act upon it.
To do this innovation watch, we organize 4 cross sectorial field trip where during a week with 12 to 20 executives from different companies, different sectors and different functions, we discover together the speed at which our business world evolves and in the evening we share our observation to have as broad a view as possible.

Back in Paris, we continue our usage watch within 8 Think Tank on 8 subjects on which all the C-level must start to form their own opinion (Digital Marketing, Big Data, Open Innovation, New Business Model, New management, Cyber Security, e-Health and e-Education).

This book is a vulgarization exercise and should be understandable by a C-level who has just lived through the first 8 years of this new digital world.
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