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Windows : A Deep Dive into Love, Marriage, and Post-War Society in Early 20th-Century England

John Galsworthy (Auteur)
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Step into the evocative world of "Windows" by John Galsworthy, a compelling drama set in the turbulent aftermath of World War I. This poignant play intricately weaves themes of love, marriage, and societal expectations, capturing the essence of early 20th-century England as it stands on the brink of social transformation.
In the heart of this narrative is Clare Wedderburn, a character rich in complexity and emotion. Caught in a web of familial duty and her quest for personal independence, Clare's journey is a resonant exploration ... Lire la suite
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Né dans le Surrey, en 1867, John Galsworthy est issu d'une famille d'hommes de loi et fut lui-même avocat. Peu attiré par sa profession, il publie ses premiers romans en 1898, sous pseudonyme. Mais sa véritable carrière littéraire débute en 1904 avec Les Pharisiens de l'île, où il s'attaque aux classes possédantes. Une même approche critique des notables caractérise son chef-d'œuvre, La Dynastie des Forsyte. Publiée de 1906 à 1928, elle constitue une vaste fresque, de l'ère victorienne à l'entre-deux-guerres. Il meurt en 1933, à Hampstead, un an après avoir reçu le prix Nobel de Littérature.


Date Parution26/04/2024
Nb. de Pages74
Poids132 g
PrésentationGrand format
Dimensions22,0 cm x 17,0 cm x 0,4 cm

Step into the evocative world of "Windows" by John Galsworthy, a compelling drama set in the turbulent aftermath of World War I. This poignant play intricately weaves themes of love, marriage, and societal expectations, capturing the essence of early 20th-century England as it stands on the brink of social transformation.
In the heart of this narrative is Clare Wedderburn, a character rich in complexity and emotion. Caught in a web of familial duty and her quest for personal independence, Clare's journey is a resonant exploration of the struggles faced by women during this era. As she navigates her intricate relationships with her husband, Alan, and her childhood friend, Kit, Clare's story is a powerful testament to the clash between societal norms and personal desires.

Key Features :
- Historical Drama: Immerse yourself in the post-World War I setting, a time of profound change and rebuilding.
- Themes of Love and Marriage: Explore deep and enduring themes of love, marriage, and the roles assigned to women in society.
- Societal Expectations: Witness the societal pressures and expectations that shape the lives of the characters, particularly the women.
- Character-Driven Narrative: Engage with complex characters who grapple with their desires and duties in a changing world.
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