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The garden: elements and styles

Toby Musgrave (Auteur)
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More than 200 garden elements, styles, features, and ornaments for gardeners around the globe.

In this book, now in a classic format, garden expert and historian Toby Musgrave explores the creative art of garden-making through more than 200 elements and features. This is the ultimate reference guide to garden elements and styles, with entries ranging from Allée and Bower to Formal, Native Planting, and Xeriscape - each illustrated with examples drawn from historic and contemporary gardens around the world. Whether tending an English cottage ... Lire la suite
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Toby Musgrave est un expert en histoire des jardins
et du paysage ; ses livres couvrent une immense
variété de sujets et il a présenté des émissions
à succès sur ITV et Channel 4. Il donne des cours
sur l'histoire du jardin et des plantes au Danish
Institute for Study.


Date Parution02/02/2023
Nb. de Pages304
EditeurPhaidon Press
Poids1496 g
PrésentationGrand format
Dimensions25,2 cm x 21,7 cm x 3,2 cm

More than 200 garden elements, styles, features, and ornaments for gardeners around the globe.

In this book, now in a classic format, garden expert and historian Toby Musgrave explores the creative art of garden-making through more than 200 elements and features. This is the ultimate reference guide to garden elements and styles, with entries ranging from Allée and Bower to Formal, Native Planting, and Xeriscape - each illustrated with examples drawn from historic and contemporary gardens around the world. Whether tending an English cottage garden or a Japanese Zen landscape, gardeners and garden lovers everywhere will be inspired as never before.
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