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The book of tea

Kakuzô Okakura (Auteur)
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For a generation adjusting painfully to the demands of a modern industrial and commercial society, Asia came to represent an alternative vision of the good life: aesthetically austere, socially aristocratic, and imbued with spirituality. The Book of Tea was originally written in English and sought to address the inchoate yearnings of disaffected Westerners. In a flash of inspiration, Okakura saw that the formal tea party as practiced in New England was a distant cousin of the Japanese tea ceremony, and that East and West had ... Lire la suite
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Auteur du début du XIXème siècle, japonais d'origine, Okakura Kakuzô est un ardent défenseur des traditions et moeurs qui ont fait, durant des siècles, la force et le raffinement de la civilisation Japonaise. Ses ouvrages sont écrits et publiés en anglais, créant un lien avec l'Occident. Passeur passionné, il publia trois livres qui n'eurent d'autre but que de célébrer la nature, la beauté, la perfection, et de les partager avec le reste du monde.


Date Parution08/12/2010
EditeurAdult Pbs
Poids89 g
PrésentationGrand format
Dimensions19,8 cm x 12,9 cm x 0,6 cm

For a generation adjusting painfully to the demands of a modern industrial and commercial society, Asia came to represent an alternative vision of the good life: aesthetically austere, socially aristocratic, and imbued with spirituality. The Book of Tea was originally written in English and sought to address the inchoate yearnings of disaffected Westerners. In a flash of inspiration, Okakura saw that the formal tea party as practiced in New England was a distant cousin of the Japanese tea ceremony, and that East and West had thus "met in the tea-cup."
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