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Of Mice and Men: A Play in Three Acts

John Steinbeck (Auteur)
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Celebrating its 75th anniversary, John Steinbeck's Of Mice and Men remains one of America's most widely read and beloved novels. Here is Steinbeck's dramatic adaptation of his novel-as-play, which received the New York Drama Critics' Circle Award for Best Play in 1937-1938 and has featured a number of actors who have played the iconic roles of George and Lennie on stage and film, including James Earl Jones, John Malkovich and Gary Sinise.From the Nobel Prize-winning author of The Grapes of Wrath and East of Eden, ... Lire la suite
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D'ascendance prussienne et irlandaise, J. Steinbeck naît à Salinas, petite ville de Californie, dans une famille modeste de quatre enfants. Il étudie à l'université de Stanford, en exerçant parallèlement de petits métiers: commis de vente, employé de ferme. Il abandonne ses études, quitte Los Angeles pour New York mais s'adapte mal à la ville. Après un échec dans le journalisme, il retourne en Californie et prépare son premier roman, La Coupe d'or, qu'il publie en 1929. Six ans plus tard, il connaît son premier succès populaire avec Tortilla Flat, chronique truculente de la vie des paisanos peu recommandables mais unis par la fraternité. Il prolongera cette veine anarchisante avec Rue de la Sardine et Tendre Jeudi. Ses autres romans parlent de l'inhumanité du développement économique et de la misère des journaliers. Déçu dans ses convictions socialistes, il finira par se rallier au "rêve américain" tout en se rapprochant de la nouvelle génération de l'Ouest et des Beatniks.
En 1948, il est élu à l'Académie Américaine des Arts et des Lettres et en 62, il reçoit le Prix Nobel de Littérature.Son oeuvre est généreuse et son originalité réside dans cette langue populaire, souvent cocasse, qu'il a su restituer; dans l'amitié et la solidarité qu'il a peint de façon émouvante.


Date Parution08/07/2009
EditeurPenguin Us
PrésentationGrand format

Celebrating its 75th anniversary, John Steinbeck's Of Mice and Men remains one of America's most widely read and beloved novels. Here is Steinbeck's dramatic adaptation of his novel-as-play, which received the New York Drama Critics' Circle Award for Best Play in 1937-1938 and has featured a number of actors who have played the iconic roles of George and Lennie on stage and film, including James Earl Jones, John Malkovich and Gary Sinise.From the Nobel Prize-winning author of The Grapes of Wrath and East of Eden, this classic story of an unlikely pair, two migrant workers in California during the Great Depression who grasp for their American Dream, profoundly touches readers and audiences alike. George and his simple-minded friend Lenny dream, as drifters will, of a place to call their own-a couple of acres and a few pigs, chickens, and rabbits back in Hill Country where land is cheap. But after they come to work on a ranch in the fertile Salinas Valley of California, their hopes, like «the best laid schemes o'mice an' men,» begin to go awry. Of Mice and Men also represents an experiment in form, as Steinbeck described his work, «a kind of playable novel, written in novel form but so scened and set that it can be played as it stands.» A rarity in American letters, it achieved remarkable success as a novel, a Broadway play, and three acclaimed films.
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