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Judo world tour, the globe-trotting judoka

Girardeau Morgan (Auteur)
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A crazy plan to some, an ambitious project to others, reckless or brave!!! An idea that first went through my mind in 1996, on the day that I got my black belt: the desire to travel and explore the world, club by club, dojo by dojo, practising judo as I went! Reaching out to others, learning about their culture, their environment, sharing with them this same passion for the effort and the values and principles devised by the founder of this martial art and educational ... Lire la suite
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Entrepreneur et professeur de judo, ceinture noire 5ème dan, Morgan GIRARDEAU est né et réside à Vannes en Bretagne depuis plus de quarante ans. Papa de deux garçons, il aime vivre dans l'action, le défi. De préventionniste en entreprise à agent commercial, découvrir, s'adapter et s'enrichir de nouvelles connaissances, compétences est son quotidien. Dans son apprentissage du judo, il agit avec cette même attitude. Passionné, engagé, il essaie, tente, s'aventure aussi sur de nouvelles voies au risque d'échouer parfois. Echouer pour mieux se relever. Encore et toujours.


Date Parution07/12/2018
Nb. de Pages408
EditeurSydney Laurent
Poids550 g
PrésentationGrand format
Dimensions22,0 cm x 15,0 cm x 4,0 cm

A crazy plan to some, an ambitious project to others, reckless or brave!!! An idea that first went through my mind in 1996, on the day that I got my black belt: the desire to travel and explore the world, club by club, dojo by dojo, practising judo as I went! Reaching out to others, learning about their culture, their environment, sharing with them this same passion for the effort and the values and principles devised by the founder of this martial art and educational system! This dream of every judoka, this extraordinary personal adventure, from 14 September 2015 to 12 July 2017, I did it! In all humility, I swapped my status as a teacher for that of a student! I went and I managed to take part in training in 41 countries, a symbolic number representing my age when I finished my intense, eventful, moving and challenging journey!
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