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Hydroponics for everybody ; all about home horticulture

William Texier (Auteur)
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Richly illustrated, this bible of hydroponic gardening will increase your harvests above and beyond what you thought was possible.
Whether their roots are in water, in the air, in coconut coir, or in clay pebbles, hydroponics allows you to grow healthy plants and harvest fruits and vegetables 365 days a year.

From basic gardening tips for beginners to high-tech installations and professional know-how, this comprehensive guidebook brings together everything you ever wanted to know about the art of hydroponics.

This new edition has ... Lire la suite
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William Texier est né à Paris. Après avoir étudié à l'Institut National de Gemmologie en France, puis au Geological Institute of America à Los Angeles, il découvre l'hydroponie en 1985 et se passionne pour ce mode de culture.


Date Parution30/11/2015
Nb. de Pages352
Poids884 g
PrésentationGrand format
Dimensions24,0 cm x 17,0 cm x 2,2 cm

Richly illustrated, this bible of hydroponic gardening will increase your harvests above and beyond what you thought was possible.
Whether their roots are in water, in the air, in coconut coir, or in clay pebbles, hydroponics allows you to grow healthy plants and harvest fruits and vegetables 365 days a year.

From basic gardening tips for beginners to high-tech installations and professional know-how, this comprehensive guidebook brings together everything you ever wanted to know about the art of hydroponics.

This new edition has been expanded to include a chapter on current trends, and it will answer all your questions about urban gardening, planted walls, bioponics, sustainable micro-farms, and kitchen farms.
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