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Damián Ortega : estridentopolis

Damián Ortega (Auteur)
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Anthropomorphic skyscraper sculptures from a master of found materials.

Mexican artist Damián Ortega (born 1967) makes sculptures and installations from industrial objects such as VW car parts and trash barrels. This project features a small-scale «city» of skyscrapers with the heads of animals alongside disembodied workers' garments and wrinkled, patterned collages made from cement bags. Lire la suite
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Date Parution15/03/2023
Nb. de Pages146
EditeurRm Editorial
Poids700 g
PrésentationGrand format
Dimensions30,0 cm x 19,7 cm

Anthropomorphic skyscraper sculptures from a master of found materials.

Mexican artist Damián Ortega (born 1967) makes sculptures and installations from industrial objects such as VW car parts and trash barrels. This project features a small-scale «city» of skyscrapers with the heads of animals alongside disembodied workers' garments and wrinkled, patterned collages made from cement bags.
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