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Chicago ; the monocle travel guide series

Monocle (Auteur)
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Chicago is a warm (in summer) and welcoming city that brings together the best of many metropolises in the US - from the sandy beaches of Los Angeles and the neighbourhood feel of San Francisco to the vibrant culture of New York - with a dash of that famous Midwestern hospitality. We're pulling into the station; hop on board. Lire la suite
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Livrable dans 2 à 3 jours


Date Parution22/10/2019
Nb. de Pages148
EditeurDie Gestalten Editions
Poids348 g
PrésentationGrand format
Dimensions21,0 cm x 14,0 cm x 1,3 cm

Chicago is a warm (in summer) and welcoming city that brings together the best of many metropolises in the US - from the sandy beaches of Los Angeles and the neighbourhood feel of San Francisco to the vibrant culture of New York - with a dash of that famous Midwestern hospitality. We're pulling into the station; hop on board.
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