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Britain can make it

Diane Bilbey (Auteur)
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This publication is a highly visual celebration of the massively popular, but now largely forgotten, Britain Can Make It exhibition. Organized by the Council of Industrial Design, it was held in empty ground-floor galleries of the Victoria & Albert Museum, from September to December 1946. Lire la suite
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Date Parution10/05/2019
Nb. de Pages224
EditeurPaul Holberton
Poids1130 g
PrésentationGrand format
Dimensions26,0 cm x 21,5 cm x 2,2 cm

This publication is a highly visual celebration of the massively popular, but now largely forgotten, Britain Can Make It exhibition. Organized by the Council of Industrial Design, it was held in empty ground-floor galleries of the Victoria & Albert Museum, from September to December 1946.
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