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The origin of cooking ; palaeolithic and neolithic cooking

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An in-depth exploration of the birth of cooking, as charted by leading authority Ferran Adrià's elBullifoundation.

This essential volume examines the foundations of cuisine, starting with its earliest sources.
Tracing every element of the produce, implements, and skills involved in food preparation, it asks such timely questions as: is the choice of raw food an act of cooking, or does cooking begin when specific tools are used to adapt it? Can food be considered 'cooked' when eaten in its raw state? Packed with intriguing ... Lire la suite
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Date Parution18/02/2021
Nb. de Pages480
EditeurPhaidon Press
Poids3304 g
PrésentationGrand format
Dimensions33,7 cm x 23,5 cm x 4,0 cm

An in-depth exploration of the birth of cooking, as charted by leading authority Ferran Adrià's elBullifoundation.

This essential volume examines the foundations of cuisine, starting with its earliest sources.
Tracing every element of the produce, implements, and skills involved in food preparation, it asks such timely questions as: is the choice of raw food an act of cooking, or does cooking begin when specific tools are used to adapt it? Can food be considered 'cooked' when eaten in its raw state? Packed with intriguing text and illuminating elBullifoundation diagrams and images, it's a must-have for every cook's library.
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