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The charterhouse of parma

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Headstrong and naive, the young Italian aristocrat Fabrizio del Dongo is determined to defy the wrath of his right-wing father and go to war to fight for Napoleon. He stumbles on the Battle of Waterloo, ill-prepared, yet filled with enthusiasm for war and glory. This work blends the intrigues of the Italian court with the excitement of youth. Lire la suite
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Date Parution01/04/2009
EditeurOxford University Press English Language Teacher
Poids378 g
PrésentationGrand format
Dimensions19,7 cm x 12,6 cm x 2,6 cm

Headstrong and naive, the young Italian aristocrat Fabrizio del Dongo is determined to defy the wrath of his right-wing father and go to war to fight for Napoleon. He stumbles on the Battle of Waterloo, ill-prepared, yet filled with enthusiasm for war and glory. This work blends the intrigues of the Italian court with the excitement of youth.
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